What is Zeppy?

Zeppy is a low calorie alcoholic beverage. Unlike other hard lemonades, ours consists of 120 calories, 10 grams of carbohydrates, and 6% ABV.


Why you should care

Zeppy is sweetened with majority Stevia and natural lemon flavorings. In other words, 0 unnecessary sugar!


Who is Zeppy?

Allison Zeppuhar, also known as Zeppy, is the creator of Zeppy LLC. Yes, Zeppy is a drink and a person! All caught up? Great!



We have our packaging designs and drink formula ready to go! All we need is a little help to get this party started. Interested? We’d love to hear from you, get in touch!


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how it all started

As a junior studying business at James Madison University in 2017, Allison Zeppuhar (a.k.a. Zeppy) completed her entry semester in the business school. This semester involved working in teams with other students to virtually start a business and create a business plan.

Before this year, Allison had lived with Type 1 Diabetes most of her life— being diagnosed at six years old. Aside from some difficulties here and there that come with the life of being a Diabetic, Allison lived an average college life. One thing she quickly noticed and became very frustrated with upon turning 21 was the lack of alcoholic beverages that were straight-forward with their nutritional labeling or that tried to minimize sugar.

Alcoholic beverages seemed to be the only drinks on the market that had not caught on to providing “diet” or low-sugar options. After being frustrated for a bit, it finally clicked and she decided to take what she learned from the semester starting the business school and stop waiting for other companies to catch on to what was clearly missing from this industry.

From this came the creation of Zeppy LLC. Zeppy is a line of low-calorie, minimal sugar added, fruit-flavored beverages that aims to fill the void in the alcohol industry. Unlike many other alcoholic drinks, Zeppy will always be labeled as transparently as possible with calorie, carbohydrate, and sugar content on each bottle.

Zeppy aims to create juice-like alcoholic drinks with minimal calories and sugars while maintaining alcohol content. We want to add to the fun while also minimizing harm, so we strive to fill our drinks with natural flavoring such as Stevia.

What’s life without some fun? We hope you have as much fun drinking Zeppy as we do creating it! With that being said, please always drink responsibly!